2020-2021 By Our Love Project
What is the need?
In brainstorming ways in which we could show Christ’s love, the topic of homelessness came up for our 6th graders. Food insecurity is very much connected with homelessness. There are people in our community experiencing food insecurity. This means we have neighbors who don’t know where or when they will have their next meal.
How can we help?
As a school, we will raise funds and canned food donations for Backpack Buddies, a program run by Community Kitchen, an organization chosen by the 6th-grade class. By raising funds and food donations for a local organization already addressing food insecurity, we can help make a tangible difference and put our faith into action.
Final Project Summary
The 2020-2021 project focused on food insecurity. CCCS teachers taught their classrooms about food insecurity and nutrition, as well as how to identify organizations that support vulnerable individuals in our community.
The students partnered with Backpack Buddies, a program of the Community Kitchen for children facing food insecurity. Students collected over 1,000lbs of food and over $200 through the months of April and May to be delivered by bus to their facility!
Quick Links:
Food Security Indiana Map - https://map.feedingamerica.org/county/2017/overall/indiana
Community Kitchen Mon. Co.(backpack buddies)- https://www.monroecommunitykitchen.com/our-programs/
Donation list: https://www.monroecommunitykitchen.com/donation-information/